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Lifelong Learning



CPD-SS: Continuous Professional Development Support Scheme


Registration Is Now Open

Registration Is Now Open!

Registration for the Continuous Professional Development Support Scheme (CPD-SS) is now open for the academic year 2024/2025.

Click Here To Register

About the Continuous Professional Development Support Scheme (CPD-SS)

The Continuous Professional Development Support Scheme (CPD-SS) is an educational programme open to all NCHDs working in the public health service who are:

  • not enrolled in an intern training programme or on a postgraduate specialist training programme such as BST or HST
  • working in the public health service and hold a 2010 NCHD contract within the HSE
  • on the General or Supervised Division of the Register of Medical Practitioners maintained by the Medical Council
  • enrolled on a Professional Competence Scheme applicable to your specialty
  • registered and have paid your Professional Competence Scheme subscription

The CPD-SS is funded by the HSE. It helps you enhance your clinical knowledge and skills and fulfil some of the Medical Council legal requirements of your Professional Competence Scheme. The scheme allows you to access educational activities worth up to 20 external CPD credits. You can access educational activities within RCPI and/or you can access CPD activities run by other Irish postgraduate medical training bodies. 

Enrolment is free of charge.


Frequently Asked Questions


CPD-SS Self-Directed Pathway