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Trainer Hub


Trainer Hub



At RCPI, we are proud of our community of over 1,200 Trainers. Trainers play a crucial role in the delivery of our Basic and Higher Specialist Training Programmes. They guide trainees along the path to becoming a specialist and help the next generation of medical leaders reach their full potential.

As an RCPI Trainer, you have access to motivated, highly skilled trainees who have been successfully appointed following a competitive process. These are trainees who will contribute to a high-quality service.

As a part of the RCPI Trainer Project, we are delighted to launch your new RCPI Trainer Hub.


About the RCPI Trainer Project

RCPI is committed to supporting Trainers in their delivery of training. In 2021, the RCPI Trainer Project was launched. A clinical lead, Dr Maeve Doyle, was appointed to lead on this important piece of work. There is also a dedicated project manager and a project steering group who meet regularly to review, discuss and approve pieces of work that will better enable Trainers to deliver the highest level of training to our trainees.


  • Reach out to all Trainers to hear their voice – The Trainer Survey
  • Design a course for Trainers approved pre-2019 – Refresher Course
  • Develop additional resources and supports for our Trainers – The Trainer Hub
  • Develop a document that outlines expectations, role and responsibilities – The Trainer Agreement (PDF, 335Kb)
  • Develop additional online courses to enhance the Trainer experience

Access the Trainer Engagement Project report here


About the RCPI Trainer Hub

As an RCPI Trainer, you now have access to a number of resources and supports which will enhance your trainer experience. These resources and supports are available in the new RCPI Trainer Hub.

Within the hub, you will find easy-to-use folders and icons where you will find the following:

  • Direct link to your ePortfolio
  • Training calendar, upcoming courses, training activities, governance directory
  • Resources including RCPI admin, training policies, training handbooks
  • Access to mandatory and optional courses including our Trainer Refresher Course (available now for all Trainers approved prior to 2019)
  • News and announcements including the latest in RCPI news and The President’s Ezine
  • Helpdesk support

You can access all of the above through our elearning platform BrightSpace

We are here to help and support you in your role as RCPI Trainer. You have a designated specialty coordinator assigned to your training programme. You can find out who this is by emailing or through the Trainer Hub.


Interested in Becoming a Trainer?

As a Trainer you will play a crucial role in the delivery of our Basic and Higher Specialist Training Programmes. You will guide trainees along the path to becoming a specialist and help the next generation of medical leaders reach their full potential.

Application process

  1. Express interest through your specialty coordinator or scheme NSD.
  2. Submit your CV for approval (see eligibility criteria)
  3. Await approval of CV by NSD
  4. You will be added to a waiting list and contacted by the courses department, then booked onto Physicians as Trainers: Essential Skills
  5. Once the course is complete, you will be an approved RCPI Trainer for three years.
  6. When the three-year tenure is up, you will be required to take the RCPI Trainer Refresher Course.

Eligibility criteria 

  • Be registered on the relevant specialist division of the Medical Council Register
  • Be registered on a professional competence scheme
  • Practise at a consultant level/equivalent post in Ireland (must hold permanent contract)
  • Complete and submit the online trainer application form
  • Complete the Physicians as Trainers Essential Skills course
  • Complete the Trainer’s Refresher course when required
  • It is also desirable for the trainer to be a Fellow of the relevant training body.

Further opportunities for RCPI Trainers

  • Specialty Training Committee (STC) Membership
  • National Specialty Director role
  • Regional Programme Director role (BST GIM)
  • Regional Specialty Advisor role (BST Histopathology)
  • Board membership for Faculties and Institutes
  • Board membership for college boards and committees
  • Clinical lead opportunities for college projects

Trainer Wellbeing

The Health and Wellbeing Department was set up in 2018 to help Trainers and Trainees get the most out of their training experience by enhancing their wellbeing and professional conduct during training.

We provide support and referral pathways for Trainers who are struggling with aspects of training devliery. We strive to get actively involved in the early identification and prevention of such issues, promoting wellbeing during the training process, and advancing strategic planning and collaboration within this area.

The department is staffed by a full-time psychologist, Hadas Levy B.A. Psychology, M.Sc. Counselling Psychology, and Professor Gaye Cunnane.

Our offerings include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Providing expert advice and one-to-one professional support for Trainers who are experiencing mental health difficulties, affecting their training delivery
  • Trainers’ remediation
  • Assisting with relationship difficulties with Trainees
  • Developing new courses and workshops, specially tailored for doctors, to help them manage stress and workplace challenges
  • Developing policies and procedures for training sites regarding physician wellbeing, with an emphasis on early intervention and red flags for referral
  • Informing and influencing national workforce policies on physician wellbeing
  • Advocating for increased funding of physician wellbeing initiatives

Trainers can self-refer to the Health and Wellbeing Department by emailing

When should I contact the RCPI Health and Wellbeing service?

Trainers who contact the H&WB department in RCPI, do so for the following reasons:

  • Seeking advice regarding a Trainee in difficulty
  • Experiencing departmental conflict with other consultants which is affecting the provision of training
  • Feeling burnt out and are not sure what to do about it
  • Seeking mentoring
  • Noticing a decline in their performance
  • Have received critical feedback from their trainees

This list is not exhaustive. We strongly encourage our Trainers to make contact with us, confidentially