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RCPI McMasters International Review (MIRCIM) Best Case Report Contest Winners Unveiled at the "Winter in the College" Study Day

RCPI McMasters International Review (MIRCIM) Best Case Report Contest Winners Unveiled at the "Winter in the College" Study Day

The winners of the RCPI McMasters International Review (MIRCIM) Best Case Report Contest (BCRC) 2023 were announced by the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI) during the "Winter in the College" General Internal Medicine (GIM) & Acute Medicine Joint Study Day on 8 December 2023. 

The quality of the entries was exceptional, and the team was so impressed that a third bursary was added. This was made possible thanks to support from the Irish Acute Physician Group, through Dr Yvonne Smyth and Professor Garry Courtney, who we sincerely thank for their generosity. 

Congratulations to our winners: 

  • Dr John McCormick - "Progressive Right Heart Failure After High-Velocity Motor Vehicle Accident” 

  • Dr Sile Toland - "Recurrent Haemoptysis And Lung Ground Glass Opacity In A 36-Year-Old Female” 

  • Dr David Gorey - "More Than Just Renal Impairment" 

These outstanding case reports, recognised for their clinical excellence and innovation, will receive support to attend the McMaster International Review Course in Internal Medicine (MIRCIM) 2024, a global platform for medical professionals. This event is scheduled to take place in Krakow, Poland in May 2024. 

The awards ceremony was a highlight of the "Winter in the College" event, where healthcare leaders discussed the latest advancements in internal medicine and acute care. 

The Institute of Medicine team at the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland wishes to extend its sincerest congratulations to the winners. The team would also like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all participants who submitted such high-quality research papers that have significantly contributed to raising the global standards of medical research and practice.