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Faculties and Institutes

Faculty of Paediatrics



Fellowship or Membership of the Faculty of Paediatrics lets you play an important role in the governance and future direction of your professional body. Medical practitioners working in a field largely devoted to child health can also become an Associate Member of the Faculty. The greater our membership, the stronger our voice - ours is a leadership voice that influences healthcare for the greater good.

Members of the Faculty of Pathology

Become a Member

Membership of the Faculty of Paediatrics can be achieved once you have passed the MRCPI in Medicine of Childhood examinations. More details about the exams, and upcoming examination dates can be found in our MRCPI Paediatrics exam hub.

To become a Member of the Faculty of Paediatrics you must:

  • Have passed the Membership of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland examination in Medicine of Childhood
  • Have been admitted as a Member of the College and have spent two years in paediatric training
  • Be nominated by two Fellows of the Faculty of Paediatric in good standing

Nominations to Collegiate Membership are made by submitting a Nomination to Collegiate Membership Form, which is available on request - simply contact us at the details below.

View benefits of Membership


Become an Associate Member

If you are a medical practitioner working in a field largely devoted to child health, you can become an Associate Member of the Faculty of Paediatrics.

To become an Associate Member of the Faculty of Paediatrics you must be:

  • a medical practitioner working in a field largely devoted to child health
  • in a full-time consultant (or equivalent) post in a specialty or a Community Medical Officer whose work is largely devoted to the care of children
  • registered on the Specialist Division of the Medical Council of Ireland in a paediatric specialty OR be registered on the General Medical Council (UK) Register of Medical Specialists in a paediatric specialty, and
  • nominated by two Fellows of the Faculty of Paediatric in good standing.

Nominations to Associate Membership are made by submitting a Nomination to Associate Membership Form, which is available on request - simply contact us at the details below.

Hands working on a mobile phone

Contact Us

The RCPI Helpdesk is always happy to answer any questions or respond to any requests about joining the Faculty of Paediatrics. The Helpdesk is open Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 1:00pm and 2:00pm - 5:00pm.

You can contact the RCPI Helpdesk by emailing